
  1. Explore Bindless Rendering in Metal. Apple World-Wide Developer’s Conference, 2021. [watch online]
  2. Object-Oriented Programming with Lua. Segovia, A. The Linux Journal Magazine, May 2012. [view on ACM Digital Library | buy from ACM]
  3. Parallel Programming with NVIDIA CUDA. Segovia, A. The Linux Journal Magazine, Nov. 2010. [read online | request PDF]
  4. Iterative Layer-Based Raytracing on CUDA. Segovia, A., Xiaoming Li, Guang Gao. Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC), 2009 IEEE 28th International. [view on IEEE Xplore | view citations]
  5. Confección de Un Marco de Comparación de Algoritmos de Reconstrucción de Modelos 3D a partir de Imágenes Registradas. VI Jornadas de Informática, 2007 Universidad Católica del Uruguay.