Vortex 3D Editor

This project consists in an Editor for my Vortex 3D Engine. The objective is to make it easier to create apps powered by Vortex by providing a user-friendly, cross-platform WYSIWYG visual environment.

For an up-to-date reference to all the work that has been going on, please check out the Vortex-Editor tag.

Modern Deferred Renderer

Screenshots of the modern GL 3.3/GLES 3.0 renderer.

Vortex Editor and Runtime. Using a .vtx archive, 3D worlds built in the Editor can now be packaged with their resources and run on the Engine. In this image, the sponza scene is running on the Vortex Runtime for iOS.
Vortex Editor and Runtime. Using a .vtx archive, 3D worlds built in the Editor can now be packaged with their resources and run on the Engine. In this image, the sponza scene is running on the Vortex Runtime for iOS.


Vortex Engine 3.0 - Our trusty old friend, the test cube, being lit by 3 realtime deferred point lights.
Vortex Engine 3.0 – Our trusty old friend, the test cube, being lit by 3 realtime deferred point lights.


A procedural sphere with specular highlights. Notice the dramatic difference that normal mapping makes when computing the highlights.
A procedural sphere with specular highlights. Notice the dramatic difference that normal mapping makes when computing the highlights.


Legacy Fixed-Pipeline Renderer (Deprecated)

The screenshots below were taken using the old fixed-pipeline renderer while we bootstrapped the Windows codebase. Nowadays Vortex uses a much more powerful deferred renderer for graphics.

Building a scene for the Vortex Engine using the Vortex Editor.
Building a scene for the Vortex Engine using the Vortex Editor.


An example component driving an keyframe animation for a 3D model.
An example component driving an keyframe animation for a 3D model.


Importing an external image into the editor and texturing a cube.
Vortex Editor pre-Alpha (vertical slice) UI. Here, we’re importing an external image into the editor, instantiating an Entity and texturing it.

With the Editor, you will be able to see the scene you are building, tweak it visually and then save it as a package that can be loaded by the engine.

Just like with the Vortex Engine, this is an on-going project. To see all the Vortex Editor development news continue to the Vortex Editor category.